Telemetry is enabled via Settings > Telemetry Settings. You need to set UDP Telemetry to On. Enter the UDP IP Address of the device on which you wish to receive telemetry (you can find this device’s IP address in the settings menu of this app which is accessible from the main screen via the cog icon). Next, enter the UDP Port, we recommend using the default of 20777. If you change this, you’ll need to enter the new port number in this app’s settings as well.

UDP Send Rate is the speed at which telemetry data is sent to the app – 30Hz/40Hz is our recommendation for a good balance between accuracy and performance.

UDP Format should be set to 2024 to take advantage of the latest features. However, you may also use the other compatibility modes which should work to a certain extent but may display incomplete data on some screens. You’ll need to switch to the matching game mode of this app to use the older data formats.

If you want to use multiple receiving devices, simply set UDP Broadcast Mode to On. However, this can cause lag (data delays) on a lot of home networks so if you experience this, please keep broadcast mode switched off.